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For Your Classroom & School

Our Principles

Language for Writing

Grades: 2 - 5

Language for Writing teaches students the conventions of clear writing, the vocabulary needed to describe actions, events, and objects, and the sentence structures required to put complex ideas into writing. Ongoing exercises teach students how to write narratives, use specific words, make precise comparisons, summarize, and proofread.

Program Details

Language for Writing is a comprehensive writing program for students who need a highly structured approach if they are to learn to write well. The program teaches the conventions students need to write clearly; the vocabulary needed to describe actions, events, and objects; and the sentence structures required to put ideas into writing. To achieve these goals, Language for Writing provides carefully structured instruction in the use of language, both written and spoken.

The program:

  • Gives students oral practice in using words and syntax they will later apply to writing
  • Teaches the vocabulary students need to describe features of their writing
  • Helps students learn to use grammar and punctuation to make their writing clear.

Daily lessons show students how to organize and develop what they want to say and guide them in the process in getting it down on paper. Students become comfortable with writing, build confidence, and acquire concepts and skills that enable them to express themselves clearly and discuss written language.


  • Explicit, straight-forward lesson plans make it easy to teach important language and writing concepts.
  • Small steps and appropriate scaffolding help students become comfortable with the demands of writing.
  • Carefully sequenced lessons allow students to move seamlessly from activity to activity and develop all aspects of better writing.
  • Program assessments occur every 10 lessons, giving you information about students’ mastery of content and assistance in helping those who need extra practice.

Standardized Practice Tests

Lesson 30

Lesson 40

Lesson 50

Lesson 60

Lesson 70

Lesson 80

Lesson 90

Lesson 100

Lesson 110

Lesson 120

Lesson 130

Lesson 140

Research Base

  • A Research Foundation for Teaching Writing: Improving Writing Performance
    This report describes the body of research that supports the instructional strategies and techniques found in Language for Writing. It also summarizes results from field testing of the curriculum.

  • Direct Instruction and Teaching of Early Reading
    This report summarize some of the research supporting the use of Direct Instruction to teach early reading skills. It also discuss some of the barriers educators face when attempting to implement Direct Instruction, specifically proponents of whole language teaching. Finally, researchers describe schools and teachers in Wisconsin that have achieved excellent results with Direct Instruction and how this is changing the minds of many critics.

  • Special Education and Direct Instruction
    Research shows strong evidence of success when Direct Instruction programs are used with students with special needs. In fact, Direct Instruction is one of only seven interventions proven effective (Forness, Kavale, Blum & Lloyd, 1997). With its research-supported design and systematic delivery, Direct Instruction is often referred to as a program for special education or at-risk students.

  • The Research Base and Validation of Direct Instruction Language Programs
    This report shows the seventeen studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals, 16 of which were group design studies (pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, experimental) and one of which was single case (A-B). All examined the effectiveness of one or more of the Direct Instruction language programs across a wide variety of settings and populations. All studies are described in the narrative.

Evidence of Success