Step 12 of 45

Teachers can view Lesson Goals, Suggested Pacing, Standards Information, and more by selecting the Show Lesson Info button.

Step 13 of 45

On the Lesson Page, shaded menus correspond to the three-part instructional model: Launch, Explore and Develop, and Reflect and Practice.

There is also a section for Additional Resources that includes resources for differentiation. And, at the bottom of every Module and Lesson Page is a place where teachers can add their own resources.

Step 14 of 45

The Interactive Presentation is the digital lesson that can be projected by the teacher. Students can also access this presentation at any time on their own device to review at home or prepare for the next day’s lesson.

Next step

Click Launch Presentation.

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Reveal Algebra 1

Reveal Algebra 1

Lesson 7

Absolute Value Functions


Explore and Develop

Reflect and Practice

Additional Resources

Teacher-added Resources